Tuesday, September 11, 2012

MIA Dirty Girl....

I’m baaaack!!!  Did you miss me??  Ya, I didn’t think so.  Once again I apologize for being MIA but for the month of August, I spent some serious quality time with my kids and when I was at work, I was playing catch up from all my days off.  It was a vicious circle!  It will be tremendously hard to go back over everything for the last month so I will just start with my recent goings on : )

Saturday September 8th, I participated in my first ever Dirty Girl Mud Run which for those of you who have never heard of it, is a wonderfully fun 5K course with obstacles.  Considering we have had a tremendously warm and dry summer, we were not that lucky on Saturday.  It rained, and rained, and poured, and then rained some more.  Which, for a mud run, is a great thing.  The not-so-great part was the 60 degree weather that went along with it.  For anyone that knows me, and for those who don’t, know that I do not do well when I am cold.  I can honestly say I despise being cold.  And I was FROZEN!! But I still had a never ending smile on my face because of the wonderful experience that I had there.  I am already planning on signing up this week for next years mud run.  For anyone considering this, DO IT!!!  You will not regret it.  It is not a timed race, if you can’t do an obstacle, you go around it, no big deal.  The big deal is the fun and the bonding that you will have with your friends and teammates!

After Dirty GIrl

Before Dirty Girl

I have also decided to sign up for my first 5K run which will be held on September 22.  I was very nervous about the thought of it yesterday since I have not actually completed my C25K program yet (as of this morning I have 1 measly day left).  My nervousness propelling me, I went for my run last night as soon as I picked up my son from football.  I was all dressed and ready to go and told them I would think about feeding them when I got back. Ha!  I am proud to say that I ran 3 miles in 28 minutes.  I was a very happy girl when I completed that day on my C25K knowing that technically, I ran further than I needed to in the allotted time.  So happy in fact that after just 3 minutes of my cool down phase, I decided to hightail it back home and I ran the rest of the way back home which ended up being another 6 minutes of running.  My plan is to get in as much running in the next 10 days or so as I can in preparation of the 5K hoping to decrease some of my nervousness of my first actual race.  I know it won’t actually help, but it is a nice thought.

I hereby do solemnly swear to get back to being a better and more consistent blogger…I actually do enjoy spilling my guts on here at times and hope you all (and hopefully more to come!) will continue to follow me in my journey.

Wishing you all a wonderful day filled with all things that make you smile J

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